Cập nhật lúc: 7/7/2010 5:06:28 PM | ||
BRITNEY SPEARS: Bị kiện về tội “khoe của” | ||
Theo tin trên báo Anh The Sun, chàng cựu phú-lít Fernando Flores, 29 tuổi, trưởng toán vệ sĩ của Britney Spears, đã nghỉ việc sau nhiều lần bị “xúc phạm” trước việc cựu Công chúa nhạc Pop cứ lượn qua lượn lại trước mặt chàng mà trên người không một mảnh vải che thân! Chưa hết, theo báo này, xi-nho Fernando Flores còn đang tính kiện cô chủ cũ về tội quấy nhiễu tình dục (sexual harassment) để đòi bồi thường thiệt hại! Một người bạn của Fernando Flores kể lại trên báo The Sun: “Làm việc cho Britney Spears thật là khó khăn. Cô ta là một cơn ác mộng, và tính khí luôn bất ổn. Cô ta thường khỏa thân chạy tới chạy lui trong nhà, miệng thì la lối chửi bới các nhân viên phục vụ”. Tuy nhiên theo người bạn này, riêng với Fernando Flores, cựu Công chúa nhạc Pop “khoe của” thường xuyên trước mặt anh ta với ý đồ dụ dỗ. Thậm chí Britney Spears còn nhiều lần kêu Fernando Flores vào phòng ngủ của mình với lý do không đâu, và có thái độ khiêu khích trắng trợn! Fernando Flores bị dồn vào thế tiến thoái lưỡng nan: tiến không được, bởi chàng là một nhân viên có lương tâm nghề nghiệp; lui cũng không xong vì sợ nếu không chịu đáp ứng sự mời gọi của cô chủ thì sẽ mất job, cho nên cuối cùng chàng ta phải xin nghỉ việc, và… kiện! Cũng theo lời người bạn kể trên báo The Sun, bên cạnh việc bị Britney Spears quấy nhiễu tình dục, Fernando Flores còn bực mình vì bị ông bố Jamie của Britney quy trách về việc để cô chủ mấy lần đi du hí mà không chịu mặc quần lót, để cho các bác phó nhòm chụp hình “nguyên con”. Ông ta nói với Fernando Flores: “Bổn phận của anh là không để Britney bước chân ra khỏi nhà mà không mặc đồ lót, kể cả áo ngực. Anh không làm được thì đi chỗ khác chơi!” Nhưng Fernando không có can đảm mở miệng nói cô chủ phải mặc đồ lót trước khi ra khỏi nhà! Cũng cần nhắc lại, mốt mặc mini-skirt mà bên trong không mặc quần lót do nàng thừa kế “thầy chạy” Paris Hilton tung ra cách đây mấy năm, và đã được cựu thần đồng điện ảnh Lindsay Lohan và Britney Spears tận tình bắt chước! Tuy nhiên, theo giới quan sát cũng như bạn bè của Britney Spears, nếu quả thực chàng Fernando kia tính kiện Britney Spears về tội khỏa thân trước mặt mình thì quả là… chuyện kiện củ khoai, bởi vì một khi xin vào làm việc cho Britney Spears, anh ta phải biết những thói tật của cô chủ, và phải chấp nhận! Thiên Ân hoàn toàn đồng ý! Nếu quả thực Fernando Flores bị dị ứng trước những màn khỏa thân của vị nữ chủ nhân 28 xuân xanh, lẽ ra xi-nho nên xin làm vệ sĩ cho ‘bà cụ” Liz Taylor! source TiVi Tuan San |
Friday, 30 July 2010
BRITNEY SPEARS: Bị kiện về tội “khoe của”
Wednesday, 21 July 2010
Danny Horn gets us started this week. BB
If Men Vacuumed
Wayne Paddack sent this one in. BB
Life can be summarized in 4 bottles....
Danny Horn gets us started this week. BB
If Men Vacuumed
Wayne Paddack sent this one in. BB
Life can be summarized in 4 bottles....
S--t, we're on #3!
Here's a good one from Fred Currier. BB
Smokey Guillespie sent this one in. BB
Crap ... I forgot what it was....
Tom Heckman checks in with this one? BB
A redneck was walking home late at night and sees a woman in the shadows.
'Twenty dollars' she whispers.
Bubba had never been with a hooker before, but decides what the heck, it's only twenty bucks, So they hide in the bushes.
They're in there for only a minute when all of a sudden a light flashes on them. It is a police officer.
'What's going on here, people?' Asks the officer.
'I'm making love to my wife!,' Bubba answers sounding annoyed.
'Oh, I'm sorry,' says the cop, 'I didn't know'
'Bubba says, "Well, neither did I, til ya shined that light in her face.'
July 2010 - Week 1
Here's a good one from Fred Currier. BB
Smokey Guillespie sent this one in. BB
Crap ... I forgot what it was....
Tom Heckman checks in with this one? BB
A redneck was walking home late at night and sees a woman in the shadows.
'Twenty dollars' she whispers.
Bubba had never been with a hooker before, but decides what the heck, it's only twenty bucks, So they hide in the bushes.
They're in there for only a minute when all of a sudden a light flashes on them. It is a police officer.
'What's going on here, people?' Asks the officer.
'I'm making love to my wife!,' Bubba answers sounding annoyed.
'Oh, I'm sorry,' says the cop, 'I didn't know'
'Bubba says, "Well, neither did I, til ya shined that light in her face.'
July 2010 - Week 1
...the first thing I noticed is that she's not wearing any ear or eye protection.
For those of you that keep and bear arms…I am sure you are aware of the firing line rules.
"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." - Thomas Jefferson
....the first thing I noticed is that she's not wearing any ear or eye protection.
Here's some WWII history from Fred Currier. BB You might enjoy this from Colonel D. G. Swinford, USMC, Retired, and history buff. You would really have to dig deep to get this kind of ringside seat to history:
1. The first German serviceman killed in WW II was Killed by the Japanese (China, 1937), the first American Serviceman killed was killed by the Russians (Finland 1940); Highest ranking American killed was Lt Gen Lesley McNair, killed By the US Army Air Corps. So much for allies.
2. The youngest US serviceman was 12 year old Calvin Graham, USN. He was wounded and given a Dishonorable Discharge for lying about his age. His benefits were later restored by an act of Congress.
3. At the time of Pearl Harbor, the top US Navy Command was called CINCUS (pronounced 'sink us'), the shoulder patch of the US Army's 45th Infantry division was the Swastika, and Hitler's private train was named 'Amerika.' All three were soon changed for PR purposes.
4. More US servicemen died in the Air Corps than the Marine Corps. While completing the required 30 missions, your chance of being killed was 71%.
5. Generally speaking, there was no such thing as an average fighter pilot. You were either an ace or a target. For instance, Japanese Ace Hiroyoshi Nishizawa shot down over 80 planes. He died while a passenger on a cargo plane.
6. It was a common practice on fighter planes to load every 5th round with a tracer round to aid in aiming. This was a mistake. Tracers had different ballistics so (at long range) if your tracers were hitting the target 80% of your rounds were missing. Worse yet tracers instantly told your enemy he was under fire and from which direction. Worst of all was the practice of loading a string of tracers at the end of the belt to tell you that you were out of ammo. This was definitely not something you wanted to tell the enemy. Units that stopped using tracers saw their success rate nearly double and their loss rate go down.
7. When allied armies reached the Rhine, the first thing men did was pee in it. This was pretty universal from the lowest private to Winston Churchill (who made a big show of it) and Gen. Patton (who had himself photographed in the act).
8. German Me-264 bombers were capable of bombing New York City, but they decided it wasn't worth the effort.
9. German submarine U-120 was sunk by a malfunctioning toilet.
10. Among the first 'Germans' captured at Normandy were several Koreans. They had been forced to fight for the Japanese Army until they were captured by the Russians and forced to fight for the Russian Army until they were captured by the Germans and forced to fight for the German Army until they were captured by the US Army.
11. Following a massive naval bombardment, 35,000 United States and Canadian troops stormed ashore at Kiska, in theAleutian Islands. 21 troops were killed in the assault on the island.
It could have been worse if there had been any Japanese on the island.
Smokey is Smok'in.BB
A man was lying in bed with his new girlfriend.
At last! just what I've been waiting for. Thanks to Wayne Paddack. BB
At Last, a Cell Phone for Seniors!
You REALLY have to be OLD to appreciate THIS one!!!!
Smokey sent in this method for loseing thos extra pourds.BB
Here's one from Dan Kalahar that speaks for itself. BB
Tracey, here's a group for you
For those of you who don't live in Alabama and think we are a bunch of uncivilized rednecks, well, it’s simply not true! In fact, we have ladies' groups that meet regularly to discuss current events and develop needed home skills. For example, this photo was recently taken at a ladies group meeting in St Florian, AL where they were discussing the elections coming up in November, and in 2012.
July 2010 - Week 3
You might enjoy this from Colonel D. G. Swinford, USMC, Retired, and history buff. You would really have to dig deep to get this kind of ringside seat to history:
1. The first German serviceman killed in WW II was Killed by the Japanese (China, 1937), the first American Serviceman killed was killed by the Russians (Finland 1940); Highest ranking American killed was Lt Gen Lesley McNair, killed By the US Army Air Corps. So much for allies.
2. The youngest US serviceman was 12 year old Calvin Graham, USN. He was wounded and given a Dishonorable Discharge for lying about his age. His benefits were later restored by an act of Congress.
3. At the time of Pearl Harbor, the top US Navy Command was called CINCUS (pronounced 'sink us'), the shoulder patch of the US Army's 45th Infantry division was the Swastika, and Hitler's private train was named 'Amerika.' All three were soon changed for PR purposes.
4. More US servicemen died in the Air Corps than the Marine Corps. While completing the required 30 missions, your chance of being killed was 71%.
5. Generally speaking, there was no such thing as an average fighter pilot. You were either an ace or a target. For instance, Japanese Ace Hiroyoshi Nishizawa shot down over 80 planes. He died while a passenger on a cargo plane.
6. It was a common practice on fighter planes to load every 5th round with a tracer round to aid in aiming. This was a mistake. Tracers had different ballistics so (at long range) if your tracers were hitting the target 80% of your rounds were missing. Worse yet tracers instantly told your enemy he was under fire and from which direction. Worst of all was the practice of loading a string of tracers at the end of the belt to tell you that you were out of ammo. This was definitely not something you wanted to tell the enemy. Units that stopped using tracers saw their success rate nearly double and their loss rate go down.
7. When allied armies reached the Rhine, the first thing men did was pee in it. This was pretty universal from the lowest private to Winston Churchill (who made a big show of it) and Gen. Patton (who had himself photographed in the act).
8. German Me-264 bombers were capable of bombing New York City, but they decided it wasn't worth the effort.
9. German submarine U-120 was sunk by a malfunctioning toilet.
10. Among the first 'Germans' captured at Normandy were several Koreans. They had been forced to fight for the Japanese Army until they were captured by the Russians and forced to fight for the Russian Army until they were captured by the Germans and forced to fight for the German Army until they were captured by the US Army.
11. Following a massive naval bombardment, 35,000 United States and Canadian troops stormed ashore at Kiska, in theAleutian Islands. 21 troops were killed in the assault on the island.
It could have been worse if there had been any Japanese on the island.
Smokey is Smok'in.BB
A man was lying in bed with his new girlfriend.
At last! just what I've been waiting for. Thanks to Wayne Paddack. BB
At Last, a Cell Phone for Seniors!
You REALLY have to be OLD to appreciate THIS one!!!!
Smokey sent in this method for loseing thos extra pourds.BB
Here's one from Dan Kalahar that speaks for itself. BB
Tracey, here's a group for you
For those of you who don't live in Alabama and think we are a bunch of uncivilized rednecks, well, it’s simply not true! In fact, we have ladies' groups that meet regularly to discuss current events and develop needed home skills. For example, this photo was recently taken at a ladies group meeting in St Florian, AL where they were discussing the elections coming up in November, and in 2012.
July 2010 - Week 3